Advisory Group Full Webinar 2021

Complete webinar

CleanShot 2024-05-26 at 20.52.14@2x


Estimated reading/viewing time: 90 minutes

On the 23rd November 2021, the Life Changes Trust hosted an online webinar, exploring the learning that has come from working alongside the Young People with Care Experience programme’s Advisory Group for the past 5 years.

At the Trust, we believe that people are experts by unique experience and that the voice of lived experience is the key to transformational change. Our relationship with the Advisory Group, which formed in 2016, influences and threads through everything that we do.

The group members volunteer their time to advise the Trust, and work on specific funding projects and initiatives: assessing funding applications, advising and consulting with external stakeholders, speaking at conferences and events across the UK to share their learning and approach… They also supported the development of Programme initiatives, such as Aspirational Awards and My Choice My Future. Their role has developed extensively since we first began this journey.

The purpose of this webinar was to celebrate the achievements of the Advisory Group, to share the key findings and learning from their independent evaluation by Matter of Focus, and to hear from some of the people who have been involved or impacted by the Advisory Group: Advisors, Trust staff, and awardees of funding initiatives developed by the group.

The webinar was also the occasion to launch ‘Side by Side’, a film developed and produced by the Advisory Group and Media Co-op. In it, some group members talk about their experiences, the impact that being part of the group has had on them, and how it has influenced the wider landscape of policy and practice.

Sarah Morton and Helen Berry from Matter of Focus shared some of the key learning from their evaluation, and explored the impact of the Advisory Group and the coproduction approach taken with the Trust.

We also heard from Life Changes Trust staff members Catriona Kelly and Mhairi Reid, who spoke about working alongside the Advisors and shared reflections about creating a real partnership and a trusting relationship with them.

Ian Kenji, who is a recipient of a ‘My Choice, My Future’ award – one of the funding initiatives developed by the Advisory Group – spoke about what he did with his award, and how it has impacted his life. Group member Lydia also shared her reflections on another award recipient’s personal story.

To round up the event, the Advisory Group shared some ‘Top Tips for Co-Production’, based on their own experiences, and gave some very sound, practical advice about how to coproduce authentically and impactfully.

This film is the complete webinar.